The Economics of Real Estate Supply and Demand


Real estate supply and demand – something you’ve thought of? We certainly have – we live and breathe it every day. Have you ever wondered why home prices are what they are? It likely has something to do with supply and demand. Basic business knowledge says when demand for a product is high and supply […]

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Toronto Neighbourhoods: 7 Problems to Watch for When House Hunting


Is house hunting in some of Toronto’s best neighbourhoods in your near future? There are plenty of things to do before you make an offer on your dream home, and research plays a big part in your decision making. Location plays a huge role in both the value of your new home and the quality […]

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Micro Condo Living: Making the Most Out of Your Space


Small condo living is becoming more of the norm these days.  Whether it’s the high cost of housing in Toronto or a move to a minimalist lifestyle, more people are turning to smaller spaces. Micro-living usually means sleeping, eating, entertaining and sometimes working take place in the same space. But, the most importing think to […]

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10 Things to Do Before Buying a Home


Are you preparing to get into the real estate market by buying a home? If this is your first purchase, if you’re upgrading to a bigger home or even downsizing, you should be informed and educated. This is going to be one of the biggest financial decisions you make, so being prepared is a crucial […]

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