How to Help Your Adult Children Buy Their First Home


Should you help your adult children buy their first home? We’ve heard this question a couple of times from clients and thought it would be a good topic to discuss. With current trends in the real estate market, sometimes this may be a good option where you can help out your kids, and also help […]

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4 Hidden Costs of Buying a Home


Hidden costs when buying a home is always something to think about and have top of mind. You always want to be sure you and your Real Estate team know every detail and that includes any hidden or fees associated with buying a house. Your realtor and lawyer can review a list of incremental costs […]

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First-Time Home Buyers in 2019: What to Know


There’s a lot to know when you’re a first-time home buyer and at times, the information may be overwhelming or hard to understand. But taking the time to read, chat with friends and family and do your research can pay off in the end when you decide to purchase. Having the power of knowledge is […]

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What You Need to Know About Assignment Sales


What is an assignment sale? We get this question quite often from both investors and end-users when it comes to the Toronto condo market, especially with the dramatic rise in condo buildings and pre-construction sales. Assignment sales can be a great opportunity for everyone involved, from the seller to the buyer. But working with a […]

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